Book review: Why do we need bees? by Katie Daynes and Christine Pym and That’s not my bee by Fiona Watt and Rachel Wells.

Both my little ladies continue to enjoy being outdoors and with that has come exploration of flowers, plants, spotting of minibeasts and butterflies and many a question about bees. It has also encouraged lots of nature play and really challenging me on thinking of fun activities for both of them.

 It is an absolute delight to receive books from publishers and when it connects so well to my daughters interests, well it makes me smile even more. We were all super intrigued when this lovely package arrived.

Bee suprise

The lovely package included a non-fiction read all about bees. Non-fiction books continue to be loved in our home and publishers Usborne produce informative, child friendly reads that are appealing and fun. Why do we need bees? It’s a great question and one that is further explored in this sturdy, board book format. Written by Katie Daynes and illustrated by Christine Pym it is a great read that Little One has been enjoying.

Why do we need bees?

My eldest poppet first became interested in bees after reading Bee and Me and as she matures her questions are becoming increasingly interesting and I admit to her when I don’t know the answer to some which results in us researching together.

This book is full of brilliant questions and appealing illustrations that are sure to keep many young readers engaged. Each double page is dedicated to an over arching question such as What are bees? How do bees make honey? And Who’s who in a hive? These questions are then further explored in bite size chunks with the use of fun lift the flaps.


The book would be a great one to share in a learning setting and it would be interesting to see what questions young ones had about bees before exploring the book.


Towards the end of the book the subject of saving bees is also touched on and one of the treats kindly sent by Usborne was flower seeds which of course encouraged beyond the book fun and for us involved planting and decorating a flower pot.

As well as this informative non fiction read Usborne have also published another bee book … That’s not my bee which is brilliant for babies and up and makes a great read for my youngest who is 1.


The book follows the familiar pattern of That’s not my books, exploring different bees which are not quite the one mouse is looking for. Each page has a textured part for little hands to feel and with the thick pages are great for little hands to explore and turn easily.


The vocabulary used explores bees well, using words such as “feelers” and “wings.” Both my girls really enjoy this book and although the textured parts may seem like it is one for much younger children, the repetitive format allows preschool children to read the book.

The book is a lovely read that is interactive and filled with bright, engaging illustrations. This would be a great book to accompany a child when out and about and also a super one for summer theme exploration.


Disclaimer: I received these books from the publishers, thank you Usborne. All words and opinions are entirely my own.

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