Interactive and fun board books.

Welcome to my latest blog post which is dedicated to interactive and fun board books. These sturdy, crumple proof reads have been the building blocks to my daughters love of reading and recently they have enjoyed some fantastic interactive ones which I must share with you.

Touch words: My Day, Clothes and Food by Rila Alexander.

Food board book on

Touch Words is a brilliant series of board books that I highly recommend for preschoolers and up. All the books are wonderfully tactile and are sure to entice many readers, young and older.

Good board book on

In Clothes different clothing is shared and in My Day, things that young readers do on a routinely basis are shared, such as playing and staying clean. In Food, various fishers are explored such as rice and pie.

My day board book on

On each double page readers can see the name of the focus object which is presented with raised letters. Words associated with that food are shared and a brilliant image which is tactile is shown on the opposite page.

Clothes board book on

The book is a super sensory experience and is presented brilliantly. We are huge fans of this series that encourages exploration of vocabulary and does so in such a fun way.

Shopping List And Builders Tool Kit And Doctors Kit by Robyn Gale and illustrated by Barry Green.

Shopping List interactive book review

Board book review of builders tool kit on

Interactive board book doctors kit on

Extract from shopping list showing pop out and play element.

Doctors kit board book on

These brilliant board books double up as a great play tool as there are pieces you can pop out. Readers are invited to see what various diverse families are buying from the supermarket and are able to see exactly what these items look like with the play pieces for each list shown on the neighbouring page. In Builders Tool Kit children can copy what various builders are doing using different tools on each page. My girls think these books are brilliant, particularly my 2 year old who has since played various games using the books.

These are super books for home and learning settings, supporting language development using a familiar context for many and of course there is lots of potential for some bookish and role play. The also would be great books to take along whilst travelling with young ones.

I thought I saw a monkey! I thought I saw a penguin! By Lydia Nichols.

I thought a saw monkey interactive board book review

Extract from I thought I saw a monkey board book.

Extract from I thought I saw a penguin board book.

The next two in the series of I thought I saw a.. are fun and engaging. With many different moving parts young readers will rejoice in finding the main animal character.

To say my two year was delighted at this book post is a little bit of an understatement to be honest. She absolutely loves these books. The questions on each page and the use of positional language add an element of mathematical fun and the illustrations are brilliant. We’ve also had lots of bookish play in the past with this series by hiding the same animal, but in toy form, around the house so that my daughter can practice using the vocabulary found in the book.

My 2 year would highly recommend these books.

Harris Finds his feet by Catherine Rayner.

Catherine Rayner’s board book Harris finds his feet review

Extract from Harris Finds his feet on

Harris, the young hare has a loving grandfather who explains to Harris exactly why it is he has, what Harris describes as …”enormous feet.” Together they explore the world and much to the delight of Harris he is able to hop, jump and understands now why he is made so.

Grandparents can have such a beautiful way of teaching things to their grandchildren.

Grandfather equips Harris with a great many skills but eventually it is not for them to continue this journey together but for Harris to explore the world independently.

This beautifully illustrated story is now available in a special board book format as publishers Little Tiger books are celebrating it being 10 years since Catherine Rayner won the Kate Greenway Medal. Each spread is so skilfully produced with wonderful artwork and I love the palette of colours throughout. A popular picture book which is now in a format more suited for little hands to explore, brilliant.

I do hope you’ve enjoyed this bundle of board book brilliance. It’s wonderful to observe the ever changing availability of books for our youngest of readers.

Disclaimer: I received these books from publishers however, I chose to include them in this piece. All words and opinions are entirely my own. This post contains affiliate links.

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